Veronica Lugo

Veronica Lugo was born in Mexicali, Baja California and migrated to Yuma, Arizona, when she was three years old. Currently, she is a senior at the University of Arizona working towards her Bachelor of Science in Public Health. Veronica is passionate about serving her community, which has led her to volunteer with a mobile clinic called Juntos Por La Salud. She has also volunteered at Northwestern Medical Center, Yuma Regional Medical Center, Pima Health Department, and Yuma Health Department. She is also involved in research projects at the University of Arizona and has earned the title of Ronald E. McNair Achievement Program Scholar. Veronica works with a non-profit organization in Tucson, Arizona named Amistades, Inc. that aims to provide underrepresented Latinos health prevention services. She has received various scholarships from the University of Arizona such as Hispanic Women’s Corporation Scholarship, University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni Scholarship, and University of Arizona Yuma Alumni Scholarship. After graduation, Veronica will be continuing her education into graduate school and has been accepted into the University of Arizona Masters of Science in Environmental Health Sciences.